In four days my book will be published

This'll be a short post cos I'm writing it during my lunch break and my lunch breaks tend to be ten minutes long, give or take a second. If there's food on any of this as you're reading it, sorry. 

Also I'm tired.

I had to speak Spanish at a high-level business breakfast this morning. I struggle to speak English at high-level business events. I struggle to speak English or Spanish while having breakfast.

It struck me on the way back to the office I was tired enough to puke through my eye ducts and that I've been a bit obsessed with eyes of late. One reason – I imagine – is that I've been listening to audiobooks, in bed or while I'm doing the dishes mostly, but also when I'm out on my bike. My current listening is Wuthering Heights, which I'm experiencing for the first time. 

I write "experiencing" because it feels fraudulent to suggest I'm reading it, and a bit unfair on the two voice actors who are doing so. And it's good. I'm totally into it, but I do have the feeling, as I inevitably do with audiobooks, that I'd like to see the words on the page.

Call me a pervert but I like to study writers' colons, examine their semis.

And so, Emily Bronte, Christina Stead, Tim Winton, and all the others I've listened to lately, this one goes out to you: