Polyamory (from Chris to Sarah)

Sarah I love you when you ask me if I love you I can tell you that I honestly do

We’ve been so long together all the storms we’ve had to weather as I thought we would continue to do

But it’s growing plain to see


It works for you and it works for me but it doesn’t bring us closer

Sarah I’m sorry when you ask me if I’m sorry I can tell you that I honestly am

You smell just like your lovers people’s fathers people’s brothers and it makes me feel like less of a man

And it’s growing plain to see


It works for you and it works for me but it doesn’t bring us closer

Sarah I love her when you ask me if I love her I can tell you that I love her for real

She makes me feel excited overwhelming and delighted with my personal and sexual appeal

So it’s growing plain to see


It works for you and it works for me but it doesn’t bring us closer